Sunday, April 06, 2003

Just back from the OAH - a great meeting and great company on the 7-hour drive back and forth.

Via mamamusings: An online presentation about blogs.

Sat next to a man I've seen at history and social studies meetings for years. He runs the
Maryland Center for Civic Education.
Also talked to McGraw-Hill and
ABLongman about some technology work and checked in with Houghton Mifflin.

Had two productive meetings about a potential TAH grant and talked to our fellow grantees from Kansas.

Cary is a great mentor and Paul is quite interesting.

The meeting was in Memphis and we ate barbeque all three nights: Rendevous, Corky's, and somewhere on Beale Street.

I mentioned blogs in a session on digital history and some people came up afterwards to ask questions. One guy just popped up that his listserv approach was much better and it made me realize that many who do get in the tech world get to a certain point and then stop instead of remaining open to all the new possiiblities.

I went to a great session sponsored by NEH: the St. Louis Virtual City Project and Chicago's Teaching History Through Architecture. I learned quite a bit abour incorporating architectural history and the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality versus tactile reality.

Better go work on my taxes. :}

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