Sunday, July 27, 2003
I'd better get back on top of blogging - I'm failing right now ;-}
Last Wednesday morning at the farm I saw 7 little turkeys - not quite the size of ducks. They didn't know how to get back into the woods since there is so much over so eventually they just flew up into the trees. I also saw one of my deer that morning.
I came back out to the farm yesterday and this morning saw a coyote over in the northwest field. He really craned his neck up to look at me and then you couldn't see him move as he went the other way. I spent two and a half hours working out doors on weeds and the &*(& squirrels have eaten an even larger piece out of the deck. They used the hardware cloth to their advantage. So we'll just keep trying to keep it weatherproofed and see how that works. Sheesh..........thought I was on top of that one. I did some weed trimming to - went by the road (the driveway is 1/4 mile long) and worked backwards. Didn't get a whole lot since I really tore up the string and plastic pieces that cut. Will work on that again tomorrow. But at least now I have plenty of gas.
Wasn't feeling good yesterday so I couldn't charge through and get as much work done. I didn't even feel like cooking dinner. And I had gone over to Mama C's in Thayer to stock up on good meat, even. Oh well, I'll feel better today and get some of it done and cooked.
I didn't realize I needed a canner for the pickle recipie but it says I can substitute a regular pan with a rack or towell at the bottom. I certainly don't want to give anyone botulism. I also want to try some peach freezer jam. I'm trying to add just a few things at time to my repetoire so I don't, as usual, overwhelm myself. We'll see.
Heard back from a colleague at the National Archives in KC - looks like we might be actually moving forward with some plans . . . the good news right now. I was honest with another potential hire (that would actually make me money) about my schedule and it worked against me - lesson learned! Most of my colleagues don't even begin to come close on deadlines and they must have assumed that if I was warning them I couldn't start until August, it would be even later. I need to keep repeating "spilled milk....." I couldn't share the goodnews about NARA with Greenbush yet -- too many on vacation. But it should all work - I just have to be patient.
Went with the family to Shellie's in Carthage for my birthday dinner. My parents are actually leaving on my birthday to see my relatives in KY and go to a family reunion in western PA so we did it early. If we don't do birthdays early, we never seem to get them in. I had the Shrimp Penne Pasta as usual - and it was wonderful! The next cooking class is there in a couple of weeks . ...... :}
Last Wednesday morning at the farm I saw 7 little turkeys - not quite the size of ducks. They didn't know how to get back into the woods since there is so much over so eventually they just flew up into the trees. I also saw one of my deer that morning.
I came back out to the farm yesterday and this morning saw a coyote over in the northwest field. He really craned his neck up to look at me and then you couldn't see him move as he went the other way. I spent two and a half hours working out doors on weeds and the &*(& squirrels have eaten an even larger piece out of the deck. They used the hardware cloth to their advantage. So we'll just keep trying to keep it weatherproofed and see how that works. Sheesh..........thought I was on top of that one. I did some weed trimming to - went by the road (the driveway is 1/4 mile long) and worked backwards. Didn't get a whole lot since I really tore up the string and plastic pieces that cut. Will work on that again tomorrow. But at least now I have plenty of gas.
Wasn't feeling good yesterday so I couldn't charge through and get as much work done. I didn't even feel like cooking dinner. And I had gone over to Mama C's in Thayer to stock up on good meat, even. Oh well, I'll feel better today and get some of it done and cooked.
I didn't realize I needed a canner for the pickle recipie but it says I can substitute a regular pan with a rack or towell at the bottom. I certainly don't want to give anyone botulism. I also want to try some peach freezer jam. I'm trying to add just a few things at time to my repetoire so I don't, as usual, overwhelm myself. We'll see.
Heard back from a colleague at the National Archives in KC - looks like we might be actually moving forward with some plans . . . the good news right now. I was honest with another potential hire (that would actually make me money) about my schedule and it worked against me - lesson learned! Most of my colleagues don't even begin to come close on deadlines and they must have assumed that if I was warning them I couldn't start until August, it would be even later. I need to keep repeating "spilled milk....." I couldn't share the goodnews about NARA with Greenbush yet -- too many on vacation. But it should all work - I just have to be patient.
Went with the family to Shellie's in Carthage for my birthday dinner. My parents are actually leaving on my birthday to see my relatives in KY and go to a family reunion in western PA so we did it early. If we don't do birthdays early, we never seem to get them in. I had the Shrimp Penne Pasta as usual - and it was wonderful! The next cooking class is there in a couple of weeks . ...... :}
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