Thursday, December 11, 2003

Iraqis in favor of democracy

FrontPage "Iraqis for the 'Occupation'
By Dr. Walid Phares | December 11, 2003

Yesterday's demonstrations in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities were a benchmark: Iraq's resistance to terrorism has begun. Ironically, the first TV station to report such a revolutionary development was none other than al-Jazeera, the jihad channel across the Arab world. But the exclusive airing of such footages was not so innocent. The Qatar-based media understood much faster than Western networks the real dimensions of these marches. Therefore it decided to report it first, and, through condescending coverage, demean it in the eyes of Iraqi and Arab viewers, a traditional-yet-efficient subversive tactic. But whatever were the desperate attempts to pre-empt the unfolding realities, the latter rolled on.

Almost 20,000 men and women - twice the number reported by al-Jazeera - marched across central Baghdad, while others repeated the move in different cities of Mesopotamia yesterday. The demonstrators, from all walks of life and from all religions and ethnicities of Iraq, shouted one slogan in Arabic: 'La' la' lil irhab. Na'am, na'am lil dimucratiya.' That is: 'No, no to terrorism. Yes, yes to Democracy!' "

At last, the truth comes out............ :} It means it's too strong for the media to continue to ignore. By the way, is Alec Baldwin still in the country?

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