Monday, February 23, 2004

Grants and other things

Well, the deadline is finally near and I can't fuss over the details anymore. We are going to electronically submit the two Teaching American History grants before the weekend. I finally have my thoughts together on the one that is based around a wide variety of professional development opportunities for teachers. I always seem to forget that sometimes your best ideas come when you are not actively thinking of something - but it definitely helps to keep working through it bit by bit. Just like when you are writing papers. . .

The other is making railroad history more broadly linked to traditional American history. Primarily since this is aimed at elementary and middle school teachers, the railroad aspect will also give them something more tangible about US history to get their hands on - literally. One of the people at a local historical society asked how we could tie railroads to national history and ...............that is just the point - that's the limitations of thinkings of _some_ local historians that have never formally studied history. They have a unique and invaluable insight to their own collections but I'm glad I'm not managing all the personalities involved in this. They want money for their collection and don't understand that that is not how this works. We can help with the teachers developing materials but not for sustaining their museums, etc. So it gets quite interesting and I'm definitely glad I"m not doing it all by myself.

We meet with the dean late this afternoon to find out whom she has decided on as our new chair. Faculty members in the department have learned way too much about each other during this process and splits we didn't think were there are clearly emerging - of course by the people who say they don't want any splits - as is the case.

As Ms. Mentor points out in the Chronicle of Higher Education , academic politics are QUITE interesting.

I also hope to get to see some student teachers this week. I am so used to getting right out to see them but also realize I may drive myself into the grave trying to that this week when the grants are due and when we have our first spring colloquia with Project eHIKES and I'm hosting the speaker. Plus, of course, teaching a few classes.

Am looking forward to the SXSW meeting in Austin next month and the OAH in Boston later in March. Where did the winter go? We had another one of those years of 30 below mixed with 70 degrees. But at least we had two different really good snows. And it doesn't stay around long enough to get dirty - except that I had a meeting in KC and forgot how all the slush and melt-off is just quite the mess.

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