Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Number 2 Pencil

Number 2 Pencil: "Encouraging Duke's students to snooze
Ah, Duke University, such a caring environment:
Duke University is eliminating 8 a.m. classes and trying to come up with other ways help its sleep-deprived students, who too often are struggling to survive on a mix of caffeine, adrenaline and ambition.
The school is also considering new orientation programs this fall that would help freshmen understand the importance of sleep.
I have an idea - stop admitting students who don't know that sleep is essential for regular functioning. Oh, you say Duke's students are smart? Then why is Duke assuming that incoming freshmen just don't know that they're supposed to, you know, sleep every once in a while?"


And I'm one of those profs who likes to teach 8am classes - you get more serious students - and someone has to teach at that time. I also allow them to bring their coffee to class - they just have to be able to do something else novel besides get up "early" - clean up after themselves. :}

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