Sunday, December 12, 2004

Combining HS/College

The Cranky Professor links to a New York Times article that explains the Gates Foundation to education. Focusing on low-income, minority school districts, the foundation will establish schools where students complete high school while starting college. It appears that the ultimate goal is to get them to finish both levels of education - be challenged enough to stay in school while also finishing approximately half of a college degree before they complete high school - that way college doesn't look so daunting.

When I was in grad school at North Texas, they had a program for gifted math and science students that worked approximately the same way. Of course, many of those students were not really interested in history and had already switched to "why do I need this class if it's not what I'm going to do when I get a job" but there were a few that were a sheer joy and took full advantage of the opportunity. It sounds like something worth trying and the Gates definitely have the money to make it work if it can possibly do so.

I think most people underestimate how many students go through high school unchallenged - and it's not because the teachers don't want to challenge them - it's more the society pressures (read: parents) that don't believe that most kids really can live up to your expectations. I've found that they can. The only downside of teaching at my small state institution is that the students don't spend much time studying, not that they can't learn the material. But there are those few that come through that really do want to learn history and make teaching a joy. Furthermore, I've had the flexibility to explore technology more so than if I were at a big-gun institution since the humanities are still behind (in general) on that. But I''m preaching to the choir if you're reading this blog. :-)

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