Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Touring southeast Kansas

I went to visit two student teachers today. One is doing exceptionally well and really integrating herself into the school. The countryside was great - it's just a little different than what you find about 30 miles east of here. And the sky was gorgeous late in the day. I like the wide open spaces that aren't too wide. We even have "Big Hill Lake" because there are actually a few hills in this part of Kansas.

The OAH has decided to move to San Jose. I'm mostly upset for my teachers - but we will make sure to find our way to SF while we're there. I also hate giving up a direct flight on Midwest Express. But I'll give America West a try and this way one of the teachers can ride with me and I'll have some company and he won't have to pay gas on a new teacher's salary. The meeting will be here before we know it.

Tomorrow I have to attend some on campus meetings . . . not as fun. And there's always grading waiting for me.

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