Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Chapter Submission Complete

One of my motivations to get a book chapter done was not allowing myself to blog until it was submitted. Wahoo - it's been submitted and I can get ready for our JFK seminar tomorrow with Project Primary Sources. And, as always, take some time to catch up on the paperwork on my desk and dining room table. At least I stayed on top of the bills for the last month and didn't end up with any of them in the wrong pile where I missed them. My other reward for finishing my writing assignment, you ask? going out to get the mail!

The bad news is that I'm finding it's almost impossible (or should I say frustrating) to write to write late into the evening. But that may also point to the fact that I am being successful in getting more balance in my life between work and the relaxation necessary to actual think about and reflect upon what I'm doing?

Our speaker arrives in town in about an hour and a half and I'm looking forward to catching up over dinner. He's been a great asset to the profession and there is always more I can learn from him.

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