Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Turkey Day Report

There was a great deal to give thanks for this Thanksgiving - not only having immediate family around (and healthy this year) but because some of my favorite cousins ventured all the way from Ohio to visit the farm. The weather was great - in fact, it was a little warm. But that meant that there were fewer driving challenges - that's besides three children in the car for 11 hours :-) - and we could spend as much time outside as we wanted. The only thing missing was wildlife - they were out in force right before everyone arrived. But maybe they know that rifle season for deer starts this week and were just getting ready early. . . .

My cousin and his wife have interesting careers and it's engaging to discuss their projects and experiences. She's just re-entered the workforce after spending 13 years primarily on the homefront raising three intelligent and creative children. It was great having the house full of energy. They are always great hosts - whether they are in Cincinnati or in Rome - and I was glad to be able to return the favor. My parents also enjoyed spending time with the extended family we don't often see even though my dad is the only one still living in his family's hometown. My cousins also had fun visiting him in the mayor's office on their way over.

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