Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lack of Public Tact

I just heard that Rosie is giving up full-time hosting duties on the view. Maybe the negative noise in the media will die down a notch. I still like the old Rosie best.

The other night I was watching the recast of the Country Music Awards and heard Jeff Foxworthy announce that the Dixie Chicks had done well with their newest album. However, he hadn't heard any of the songs because he listens to country radio . . .. Then what I liked best was his comment about the DC song "I'm Not Ready to Make Nice." He said "that's good, because we're not ready to care" - to great audience applause. My comment at the time was that I don't pay George Bush to sing and while public personalities are free to have their own political opinions, I go to music concerts to hear singing. And, throwing away and destroying cds is actually less harmless free speech than denouncing a president on foreign soil. And, it's a shame, because I loved the Dixie Chicks music. But that whole ordeal made them appear to be spoiled teenagers. They are very talented women and were really making strides from combining personal and professional in their roles as mothers. Too bad they threw a bit part of their audience away - and probably a segment of the population that needs to hear the equality message most.

I'm also disappointed that my idol is also so far to the left and anti-Bush. However, given his family background, he is merely being true to his roots and acting on his beliefs rather than just acting out like a child.

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