Saturday, February 02, 2008

Saturday and the snow is gone . . .

At one point, they predicted an unusual 6-8 inches of snow for us on Thursday. Instead of arriving overnight, the snow really didn't get going until late in the afternoon. It was gorgeous while it lasted. There was just enough snow and melted snow turned into ice on the roads to cancel most schools Friday morning and then the rest of it melted yesterday. I was just thankful I wasn't driving long distances in it and it was beautiful.

I went to the eye doctor yesterday and was quite frustrated when the new tech dialated my eyes a) without telling me and b) when they weren't supposed to be dialated this year. So, the doctor graciously did some of the other tests they normally do when eyes are dialated so that I don't have to have them dialated for several years. However, it still meant I couldn't get much work done yesterday afternoon.

The good news is that the doctor has another option for my problem with the contact solution for soft contacts since using the gas permeable solution didn't work out so well. There are now daily disposable bifocal contacts and, although not cheap, beats having to wear reading glasses with plain contacts.

Now I need to find out where our caucus meetings are on Tuesday.

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