Monday, May 30, 2005

Soundoff! Article: MEMORIAL TRIBUTES: Paying homage to the fallen warriors who gave their all

Soundoff! Article: MEMORIAL TRIBUTES: "Memorial Day for most Americans, it is a day of remembrance - a time to honor the dead, particularly the men and women who gave their lives to preserve freedom.

This day of tribute first began as Decoration Day and was first observed May 30, 1868. It was born out of the Civil War when relatives and friends of soldiers slain in battle visited the graves and decorated them with flowers.

In 1882, the name Decoration Day was changed to Memorial Day, and in 1971, it was declared a national holiday to be observed on the last Monday in May each year.

Although age or involvement may play a part in which military conflict a person remembers, most Americans have been touched in some way by the valor of the more than two million men and women who have died in service to their country.

Across the nation, in cities large and small, individuals young and old remember those who served and died in various ways. Friends and relatives often get together and share memories or participate in memorial services.

And others travel to grave sites where some of the most solemn moments are spent in quiet remembrance of those who fought and paid the highest price for freedom - their lives."

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Early Summer in Kansas

The trip was great and a well-needed break before the busy hum of summer. For the last few years and for the next several, my summers are even busier than the regular academic year. But I love working with the teachers.

A big thanks for fellow blogger Ralph Luker (cliopatria) for mentioning this blog in the latest AHA Perspectives. As soon as I finish this latest round of Teaching American History grant applications, blogging will be more regular.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Day 2 in Roma

It has been a great day but is getting quite warm despite the cooler weather predicted for most of my stay. But the sun is nice and bright and it is really not too bad.

Had a cafe latte late this morning and people watched near the Spanish Steps. Rob and Liz took me there when I was here the first time and not only was their good shopping, it was somewhat familiar territory.

I bought rosaries with the new pope"s picture on the container. Also bought one for mom and Sam. So, one historical momento.

also found some clothes that were not too old and not to expensive. Will be able to wear them to teacher workshops this summer. :-)

Ate pizza for lunch - pizza blanco with rosemary was my favorite.

got online to check train times - hope there are no more strikes when I try to ride the train on the way back but only time will tell . .. . .

Now I need to go get tickets and see how long I have to stand in line - could not seem to get the online site to work - graphics with important info would not come up. You have to make sure not only to get a ticket but also a seat reservation.

I like where my hotel is - once I found it yesterday.

I slept well last night and hopefully do the same tonight since I must get up 3 hours earlier to get to Spoleto on time.

It seems so far that I planned this perfectly - a day or so to run around and get settled in and then take the train to the actual cooking tour spot tomorrow.


Friday, May 13, 2005

Made it

Sure is different to see the opening Blogger screen NOT in English

Made it okay ' met a neat couple in the airport ' a man from Manhattan married to someone from Alabama ' going for their usual vacation in Tuscany. they just might go on a cooking tour next time, though! It sure helped the 6 hour layover go VERY fast

I must have slept some on the flight since they had to wake me up for breakfast and I didnàt get to finish watching the Dennis quaid movie

Am still jetlagged ' esp. since i stayed up til 3 getting ready and didnàt fall asleep worrying about sleeping through the alarm

Hotel is great ' will walk around more tomorrow . . . .

already off to a great start!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Cranky Professor

The Cranky Professor: "Oh, the Stories we COULD Tell!
This story about the SMU adjunct-blogger explains in part why I never write about the good stuff. Bad stuff? Whichever. I'm not really anonymous, after all (though I don't throw my name around a lot), so I don't tell the stories I sometimes want to tell. I realized once I was about 3 months into blogging that I wasn't nearly anonymous enough to say anything about my colleagues, much though you might be amused by our antics. Nor do I go into negative detail about specific students; all of my whining is fairly generalized. You might have figured out that I link to horrific stories from other schools to get the urge out of my system."

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


It's finals week . ... grading, grading, grading. Vacation in a few days!! Then start on getting ready for summer courses and teacher institutes - and finish writing grants.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tightly Wound - the Runaway Bride

Tightly Wound: "I'm wondering what other signs you want that prove maybe this isn't the girl for you? Lightning to strike the church?

Sometimes, running away is a good thing. And if I were you, guy, I'd run so fast that I'd leave skidmarks."

Monday, May 02, 2005

Are you Republican?

I am:
"Congratulations, you're a swing voter. When they say 'Soccer Mom', they mean you. Every Democratic ad on the TV set was made just for your viewing enjoyment. Don't you feel special?"

Are You A Republican?

Boy was I surprised by this result. Wonder if it has something to do with the leanings of the person who wrote the questions???? :-)

The New York Times > Arts > Television > Republican Chairman Exerts Pressure on PBS, Alleging Biases

The New York Times > Arts > Television > Republican Chairman Exerts Pressure on PBS, Alleging Biases: "But he has repeatedly criticized public television programs as too liberal overall, and said in the interview, 'I frankly feel at PBS headquarters there is a tone deafness to issues of tone and balance.'

Pat Mitchell, president and chief executive of PBS, who has sparred with Mr. Tomlinson privately but till now has not challenged him publicly, disputed the accusation of bias and was critical of some of his actions.

'I believe there has been no chilling effect, but I do think there have been instances of attempts to influence content from a political perspective that I do not consider appropriate,' Ms. Mitchell, who plans to step down when her contract expires next year, said Friday.

Robert Coonrod, who stepped down as corporation president in July 2004, has known Mr. Tomlinson about 20 years and considers him a good friend. 'I believe that his motives are exactly what he says they are,' he said. Mr. Tomlinson is 'trying to help the people in public broadcasting understand why some people in the conservative movement think PBS is hostile to them and, two, imbue public broadcasting with the notion of balance because he thinks that long term it's a winner in getting Congressional support.'"

Sunday, May 01, 2005

'Desperate Housewife' Laura Grabs Stage from Bush - Yahoo! News

'Desperate Housewife' Laura Grabs Stage from Bush - Yahoo! News: "'I've been attending these dinners for years and just quietly sitting there,' the First Lady told the audience. 'Well, I've got a few things I want to say for a change.'

One of her main targets was the president's bed time.

'I said to him the other day, 'George, if you really want to end tyranny in this world, you're going to have to stay up later,'' Laura Bush said. 'Nine o'clock and Mr. Excitement here is in bed, and I am watching 'Desperate Housewives' -- with Lynne Cheney. Ladies and gentlemen, I am a desperate housewife.'"

This is great!

The New York Times > National > At Los Alamos, Blogging Their Discontent

The New York Times > National > At Los Alamos, Blogging Their Discontent: "blog rebellion among scientists and engineers at Los Alamos, the federal government's premier nuclear weapons laboratory, is threatening to end the tenure of its director, G. Peter Nanos.

Four months of jeers, denunciations and defenses of Dr. Nanos's management recently culminated in dozens of signed and anonymous messages concluding that his days were numbered. The postings to a public Web log conveyed a mood of self-congratulation tempered with sober discussion of what comes next."

The man who created the blog estiamtes that 200 to 500 employees have used it. Another new way to use this particular communication form.

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